Sunday, July 24, 2016

Going to publish a book of fiction stories. I am crowd funding the publishing. Look at my video on Indiegogo. There is free stuff to contributors.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Lower Price More Shares

Looking at my current investment selections it occurred to me that switching into higher priced investments is harder that getting out.  If  your ETF or mutual fund is at $200 it may take a significant value increase into move into this selection. Keep in mind that the high priced investment will be moving as well.  I am going back to my investment screener and do some tinkering to see what I come up with.

Remember last post I was using some new screening criteria, Beta and Standard Deviation. I tried to find a  free online screener with this criteria, but so far SD has become the elusive element.  If anyone has a screener that can do this with the other criteria please post a comment and let us know where to find it. My trading account has a good screener so I am happy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Filtering For Volatility

With all the screeners available there is a way to screen for the best investment. We are currently working on screening criteria  to select the most advantageous ETF’s for Pro 6. Keep checking back to see our results.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Success of Pro 6 is anchored in the selection process.

Investment selection is the hardest part of using the Pro 6 Investment System. Theoretically you could have two investments and have success. I am currently using ETF’s as an experiment. My returns, and volatility have been comparable to standard mutual funds. The key is to look at the volatility and trends over the short and long term. Volatility is what drives this system.  Check out this chart.

I wanted larger gains (amount of shares) with each switch so I increased my share gain to 10%.  I have found that it keeps me from making switches too soon or too often and allows me to ride a trend longer, so far. Time will be the judge on whether that hypothesis holds true.

Current return 28.42% annualized since October 2013.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Switched to Openoffice Calc

After fighting with MSN Quotes for several months I gave up and switched to Openoffice (click here). My quotes stopped updating and I had to keep updating my data manually. It only took me an hour to convert the Excel sheet to Calc. Now It is up and running. I have a few more improvements to make to the sheet. I want the sheet to update the daily value of the investment (see below)


Running Value

Date Cash Port. Value Total Value
$2,525.00 $2,525.00
$2,575.81 $2,575.81





Once this is settled I will be updating charts etc.

I am running tests on EFT’s here is the list.

XLU – Utilities

XLF – Financials

SPY – S & P 500

RWR – Realestate

XLI – Industrials

We are showing short term gains, but time is the master.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

PRO 6 at 31% Return

The market is up and as you would expect so are returns. Here is the latest report on the Pro 6 system. I am offering this spreadsheet for $19.00

Start Date 2/4/2009
Start Value $2,000.00
TODAY 5/1/2013

RWR $0.00

XLU $0.00

XLI $0.00

SPY $4,630.72

XLF $0.00

CASH $0.00

Current Total $4,630.72

Ann Return 31.03%

The last switch was 10/12/2012.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pro 6 system solid returns.

I have been absent from the blog for a while, but now I back and here is the latest on the Pro 6 system. This is about returns. I am not making recommendations on what investments to use. I am only giving examples of what I have done. You have to make your own selections and past performance is no guarantee of future returns and you can lose money in the stock market. So here it is current returns.

Start Date 2/4/2009

Start Value $2,000.00

TODAY 9/2/2012

RWR $0.00

XLU $0.00

XLI $0.00

SPY $0.00

XLF $4,093.20

CASH $0.00

Current Total $4,093.20

Ann Return 29.25%

So here is your chance to participate in this successful system. For $25.00 you can have this spreadsheet and one year of email support. I will add my Paypal account shortly, but until then I will accept checks.